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Female. Lives in Canada. Born on July 18, 1978. Is single.
Hello, my main interest is in learning about how psychedelic medicine can treat PTSD.
10 people like this.
Welcome Amariea!
Like May 20, 2020
hello... theres a lot of that going on these days in the news. plenty of things to read about soldiers having used various psychs to relieve/treat ptsd. welcome to the fold.
Like May 20, 2020
Welcome, lots of good news on that subject. Mushrooms are your friend
Like May 20, 2020
Like many others here i am a veteran dealing with PTSD, mushrooms helps me so much. If your mindset is there these wonderful things help with self realization and healing. To be honest with some herbal medicine for pain and the occasional mush dose i can say i am down to zero pills a day from 35 a c... View More
Like May 20, 2020
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