Psychedelics » DMT
This was my second DMT experience.
I had asthma during the trip, but everything went fine. It wasn't a bad experience. I managed to "wake up" from the trip, and it was kinda of magical, really. To sober up while in the middle of the psychedelic trip. I can't think of any other drug where that's even remotely possible.
I was in a small wood cabin and it was raining outside. The cabin had water leaks and the ceiling was full of mold. My asthma is triggered by dust and humidity. I should've realized that in those conditions, what happened was almost inevitable.
20 seconds after I hit the pipe, I was submersed in the DMT world, seeing and living inside those colors and fractal beauty. After the initial explosion of light and form, I started seeing a shape that kept turning within itself, over and over, until I got to a small room. It had white walls and no roof. I could feel the walls weren't solid. They seemed made of milk. On the top corner of a wall there was an entity. A kinda of frog or toad. It was green with a white belly, and he didn't move. He just stayed there, looking at me.
Only later, when I talked with my friend about it, that I realized the toad looked a lot like Bufo Alvarius (but more cartoonish). (I smoked crystals extracted from an acacia tree, not the venom from the toad.)
At this point, I was already so deep in the high that I didn't feel my body. I was out of it. My mind, or my spirit, or soul, was wandering in the magical world beyond any human or rational perception.
But as soon as my body started to panic because of the asthma, my mind started to come back, almost immediately, making the road back to the body. I started to wake up. I opened my eyes. There was still flashes of color on the walls. My lungs weren't breathing properly. I closed my eyes again. The high was still on. This time I didn't went to the toad's house. I only saw fractals moving around. I was aware that I couldn't breath well. I wanted to wake up. I wanted the high to stop. I wanted to sober up and grab my inhaler.
Little by little, I managed to wake up. It wasn't hard. It was like waking from a dream. I made, more or less, the same effort that I do when I'm sleepy and try to wake up. I opened my eyes again. The effect of drug was vanishing.
Now, what I really wanted to share, is that what really got to me was the smoothness of everything. From being totally stoned, to being sober and able to walk and talk and do everything that I wanted.
That's not possible with opium.
That's not possible with mushrooms or LSD.
That's not possible with weed.
That's not even possible with alcohol.
I've never heard about anything like this. I didn't even thought something like this was possible.
This is the strongest and SAFEST drug that I ever tried.
My thought is:
Is it possible that my body recovered the way it did because DMT is a chemical substance that our body produces... that DMT belongs to our body... that our body doesn't perceive DMT as something bad, or strange, or evil.
Did something like this ever happened to anybody? I would love to hear about it.
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That’s so cool. It’s like higher beings were protecting you in a maternal way. They wanted to guide you into their world, but once your life was in danger they cancelled the trip for your own well-being. How thoughtful :’)
April 11, 2020