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Female. Lives in Salisbury, United States. Born on January 5, 1983.
About Me
Eclectic???????????? Shadow work ???? Psychonaut ???????? BMTH???? Growing shit???????????? Techno i... View More
Good morning tribe....what are some of your morning routines to keep grounded though out the day?
3 people like this.
World news and a dube to soften tha blows.
Like November 24, 2020
Go in to wake my shrooms and welcome them to a new day, check them over then straight to the coffee pot
Like November 24, 2020
Drink coffee and snuggle purring kitty on the couch, read a few pages from a favorite philosopher and then meditate for 10 minutes. Works like a charm.
Like November 24, 2020
Pee, make my bed, mist everyone, throw millet at tye birds outside, and get through emails and texts I missed throughout the night. Work out or dance, clean, and start the day.
Like November 24, 2020
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