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Maxatrillion Fatstacks
I was going through my pictures and was reminded that I have been wanting to add to my squidward tat for a while and I have a tattoo kit but squidy is the second tattoo Ive ever done and its been a wh... View More
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Few drawings I didn't post yet, wish my laptop was working so I could play with the deep dream program. Maybe all of you would be inclined to take my stuff and play with the seep dream and make it exx... View More
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
I've heard conflicting things about the difficulty of making LSD. It's just a distillation from a mold right? Anybody have an opinion on whether you average joe shmo could do it or if I should just tr... View More
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You're going to need to just grow some shrooms it takes more than kitchen chemistry to create LSD....now you could do LSA but I would stick to shrooms.
Like November 16, 2019 Edited
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Yeah thats kinda what I was expecting, shrooms are great though and LSD always seems to find its way to me somehow anyways but I just really want to be able to take a psychedellic and feel proud thats its home grown shit.
Like November 16, 2019 Edited
If you’re really interested look into the PyBOP synthesis from LSA, its relatively new and far more practical for the novice chemist. LSD requires a firm background in chemistry to properly make, due to the fact that it’s an incredibly sensitive molecule and requires purification via chromatography ... View More
Like November 16, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
I did it on one of my drawings too and it had interesting results. Which version do you guys like best? Do you think artwork partially done by a machine is still valid? would you pay money for such ar... View More
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A computer phone or app is just another tool. It doesn’t create the art, it just facilitates you creating. Most of my art is ink on paper then finished on the computer.
Like November 16, 2019
T rex ophora
Totally valid, however u bring your art to life is part of the process. Create something unique and the value is in the connection it has to others! Im loving this stuff as well!
Like November 16, 2019
I want to say the only invalid art is stealing someone elses stuff amd calling it your own. But even then there could be art there too lol. Using tools is definitely okay.
Like November 16, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
So this is some trippy shit that my friend showed me, it's a machine learning program that recognizes patterns in arrays of data made up of individual pixels and distorts the image to varying degrees ... View More
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T rex ophora
Yah ive been having so much fun with it!! http://ww.deepdreamgenerator.com
Like November 16, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Yeah watching the process is addicting. I wannd try drawing some of things that it seems to be "looking" for with the different filters. Like there seems to be one thats looking for foxses or dog images so im wondering what it would do if i drew a fox or a dog. I wanna do the same thing with the one... View More
Like November 16, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
https://youtu.be/5IsSpAOD6K8. I used to think it this was just another goofy 80s pop song but then i heard it tripping and i watched this video today and it made me think this was defintely psychedlic... View More
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Reminds me of the Bill Hicks bit about the war on drugs
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