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Changa Smoking For Fun
449 Members
Psychedelics » DMT
I would like to grow my own mushrooms. Can anyone help me as I don’t know where to start?
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There are tons of videos with step by step instructions on you tube, the shroomery is a good place for info as well.
Like August 27, 2022
Yea just go to home mycology on YouTube and see which video u would like to start. Very easy stuff just take your time and you’ll get it down.
Like August 27, 2022
If you start to understand the life cycle of the mushroom, the rest will quickly fall into place.
Like August 27, 2022
How do i make changa?
I saw gears, lots if gears. Chain linked gears, with astromotrical power...it was responding to my every thought... it was like metal mesh moving very slow but at the same time it as moving faster th... View More
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Lucky charms
Welcome to Dw rrgorena i see you have met the spirit molecule fascinating isn't
Like March 19, 2021
I like gears!
Like March 19, 2021
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