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Lives in Texas, United States.
The Review
645 Members
Trippy Texans
188 Members
Meetups and Communities
The New to DMT Group
1595 Members
Psychedelics ยป DMT
Hey buddy, just checking if you are alive and not a bot before i add you to Trippy Texans.
3 people like this.
I'm not a bot 1f642.png I live in Katy tx. I applied and waited a while ya know!
Like March 18, 2023 Edited
If it were up to me, none of my groups would be closed. I'm happy to make you a moderator to the group if you wanna help me check everyone we add. You'd be surprised how many proje request membership and then never come back to DMTWorld much less the trippy Texans group. There's over a hundred peopl... View More
Like March 20, 2023
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