All pornography is contribution to rape culture, pornography is the biggest mainstream mind controlling drug fed to us by once again, the shit government, pornography is killing your mental state whet... View More
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Matrix Breaker
You make it sound like only males look at pornography. But I'm sure if you won't admit that you do yourself, you'll have female friends that also look at pornography.
Like November 16, 2020
@clayteexy1 You are being rude. If you don’t agree, fine state that. However, insinuating this person is like some high school girl that slept with the whole baseball team is wrong.
Like November 16, 2020
Damn,..that was interesting! Chemdawg...i forgot about that strain..mmmmm Gettin me rrrrock hard.
Like November 16, 2020
Thank you
Like November 16, 2020
F e e l m y e l e c t r o l u m i n e s c e n c e ⚛️????????????
26 people like this.
I like your username Shagadelic. My phone ringtone has been the austin powers theme song for years. Its also my alarm clock ringer. Wakes me up (almost) everytime! And puts me in a good mood
Like November 6, 2020
6 people like this.
Love akira the don
Like October 31, 2020
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