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Lives in Texas / Oregon, United States.
About Me
The Big Other -
Non-aligned Movement -
If I'm not the unlikely savior of mankind, I'll be pissed... View More
Ethics, Philosophy and Such
281 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Tao Speak
364 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Terence McKenna
916 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Theology and Psychology
705 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Trippy Books
168 Members
Carl Jung and Jungian Psychology
420 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Psychedelics for mental health
934 Members
321 Members
605 Members
Music and Audio
DMT Extraction Teks
2422 Members
Psychedelics ยป DMT

Status Update

Whats better? Weed, sex, or dmt? No cheating!
2 people like this.
Sex lol
Like November 5, 2019
I think weed is best. Weed is like a dog, loyal, mans best friend. I dont think the high from sex is as good, and sex isnt as stimulating to the mind.
Like November 5, 2019
T rex ophora
*these are a few of my favorite things* #kevinthomaswins
Like November 5, 2019