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Male. Lives in Germany. Born on June 22, 1997. Is in a relationship.
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Status Update

So i need some help
I am planning to grow my first cannabis plant and i researched quite a lot
I allready have most of my setup
My question is what type of plant i should grow
I have limited time for th... View More

2 people like this.
Nothing wrong with autos, ive been growing them the last 3 years
Like September 4, 2020
Uhh that's not a lot of time u have there. There are several autos, which need less than 3 months to finish. But u still have to add the time for drying and fermentation.
Like September 5, 2020
AcidFriendly yeah i know the time is only limited on the grow Drying and curing is not the problem
Like September 5, 2020