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Mycology » Psilocybin
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For some reason my yields are low. A lot of my crystals remain in solvent. Any help?
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Pour slowly. Are you mixing long enough?
Like June 17, 2020
Use a coffee filter
Like June 17, 2020
Anyone know a good changa recipe?
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This is the easiest method I’ve found that works great for me..
9 people like this.
Wood a quart jar be big enuff to do this inside of?
Like May 13, 2020
I feel that's too much lye personally i use less than half of that, actually usually meter the pH, when it hits 13.5 i just stop. Adding lye gives you diminishing return, so you can dump a whole pile of it to go from 13.5 - 13.8, and is ultimately unnecessary. After two extractions I meter pH again... View More
Like May 13, 2020
Yes if you only use 50g’s. You could omit the vinegar if you wanted to
Like May 13, 2020
But woodnt the vinegar still help pu more out of the 50g?
Like May 13, 2020
Browsing...seems a little transactional. Buyers and sellers such is the world.
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Okay. Thank you for being so forthcoming. I’ll be still and watch for a moment.
Like May 12, 2020
Too old you are only a few rotations around the Earth more than I am.... You're never too old to be in places like this.
Like May 12, 2020
Let me introduce myself I am one of the three admin that runs this site so again if you do have questions or just want to chat or what not feel free I'll take time for you.
Like May 12, 2020
Felt the same. Little more like Facebook than the Nexus (sort of thing I was looking for). But its still nice to pop in now and again. Some groups on here are pretty oriented.
Like May 12, 2020
Doing my first extraction tomorrow. Can anyone guide me in the direction of the simplest technique/method. I have naphtha and pickling lime.????????
1 person likes this.
Easy is best
Like May 12, 2020
Okay im gonna do this for real tomorrow or the next day
Like May 12, 2020
But with local real stuff
Like May 12, 2020
@victor..check out the dmtworld podcast..goddamnitlittlejohn has featured..good stuff to take a listen if u get the chance
Like May 12, 2020
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