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Khalid Alharbi

Male. Lives in Saudi Arabia.
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Khalid Alharbi
Hello guys
Any1 has video of cybs salt tek.?
Thanks ????
Khalid Alharbi
Khalid Alharbi
Hello everyone
After extracting DMT, what is the optimal method and safe dose to use?
2 people like this.
Khalid Alharbi
I never use dab rig is it possible to use vape devices like the one on picture
Like June 26, 2024
Yes it is possible, you will have to put the dmt crystals an e-liquid and put that in the chamber to vape it. You can also by a vape that has a dab chamber in it that you can load the crystals in without the liquid and just vape the crystals. That is how I prefer to do it.
Like June 26, 2024
Khalid Alharbi
Amazing guys thank u.. i will buy same device u told me ty
Like June 26, 2024
Khalid Alharbi
Hi guys
Im new here and idont know from where i should start to extraction my first DMT
Any help please?
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Khalid Alharbi
How please
Like June 25, 2024
Here’s an easy to follow and classic TEK from one of the best dudes out there. https://www.patreon.com/posts/written-out-of-21369133
Like June 25, 2024
Khalid Alharbi
Thank u guys u was really helpful From where u buying mimosa hostilis root bark Need best quality please Any one can drop the link if that allow
Like June 25, 2024
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