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Eric Gainey

Male. Lives in Tallahassee, United States. Born on November 30, 1980.
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Status Update

Had my first DMT experience last night. I’m quite certain I didn’t break through, but I feel like maybe I was close. I sorely underestimated how hard it’d be to take that last hit! Still was an inc... View More
8 people like this.
Like February 16, 2023
Safe travels my fellow psychonaut <3
Like February 17, 2023
Would definitely love to know if you brokethrough this time 1f642.png
Like February 17, 2023
Ok, so I still didn’t have a breakthrough experience, but I felt like I was right on the verge of it. At the peak of it, I was in some kind of massive room that had symmetrically placed columns that went as far as my “eye” could see.. but no entities. I feel like last night’s trip helped me to get... View More
Like February 17, 2023