November 23, 2019
27 votes 114 views





Have you ever done a task you've done a million times but with more efficiency under the influence of LSD? As if your muscles know what they are doing and the LSD just enhances the recall of it. Like playing an instrument or video game. My example - I love playing Beat Saber on the PS4. I've done this a million times. When I take LSD I can actually move up a skill level and play beyond what I can do when sober... and I don't even need to concentrate as hard to achieve it... it just c

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Yes, wash your car while on LSD. Its like OCD pumping like pistons in an engine. I literaly feel like a repeating robot.
Like November 28, 2019
Honestly i think i can rap faster and let my mind go from thinking of them as words and just hear the pronounciation. I have never felt compelled to lift weights on lsd though which is kind of odd but i experience a lot of time zone jumping where i only experience windows of opportunities to do thin... View More
Like December 26, 2019