December 29, 2021
29 votes 130 views
Sometimes you die in your dreams. But have you ever died on your trip?
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Either way, i got myself onto suboxone, quickly after that, believing to my core that no matter what happened, id been given the oppotunity to choose to live, with what i can only imagine, wouldnt have been too much longer.
Like February 14, 2022
Yes. Specifically on heavy doses of Marijuana, especially edibles. I can't smoke anymore because every time I do it immediately forces me to confront my mortality.
Like April 27, 2022
Walter D Koontz Jr
Honestly I had a near death experience on a couple of my trips before. Still haven't figured out what it was saying. Maybe at those times certain parts of me were dying off to blossom new chapters of my life.
Like August 22, 2022
I took 6 grams of PE at my parents house in high school with then home. it was late at night. 20 minutes after I took them I puked on my bed then went straight to an ego death"ish" situation for hours. totally thinking that I choked on my puke and died. it was a terrible trip thinking my parents we... View More
Like October 9, 2022