on November 11, 2020
Help! What am i evsn growing here. All i want is one little mushroom. And the more i try the more impossible it seems, and all the while everyone else is posting these pictures of bountiful harvests of the most gourgeous mushrooms. The envy is getting to me.
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So its normal. Its not what i was expecting. I put some spawn to substrate in a sealed container expecting the substrate to be colonised in ten or so days. Its now been fourteen days and all that has grown are those anemone like fingers. Must i leave it in the sealed container in the dark for longer... View More
Like November 11, 2020
Thanks prometheus & swingset that puts my mind at rest. I'll just be patient then.
Like November 11, 2020
If it doesnt work for you try coco coir and vermiculate for a substrate. Its the easiest one and i use it at the time with good results
Like November 11, 2020
Lucky charms
That rhizo looks good friend what kind of cubs are you working with and what was your grain to spawn ratio if your working with pe varieties it takes a while to colonize completely and with colder weather at out door steps the process takes a little longer then in summer all in all its lookin good t... View More
Like November 11, 2020