on November 7, 2020
Everyone please send a warm welcome to my beautiful significant other! She has so much shine and love to share, im so glad she decided to join the family.
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Welcome to more love than you can handle (maybe not!)
Like December 14, 2020
WELCOME!!! I wish I could find one that shares the interest. My girls always hit me with, “like eww gross like omg like they look like penises like eww like yah”
Like December 14, 2020
that hits home. I also get “why are you so interested in those”. Maybe its true about opposite attrack cause we been together for 19 years now, i do know that the ones i have been with who had same interest were the ones i couldnt stand after x month or couldnt get their shtit together ... View More
Like December 16, 2020
Welcome 1f642.png
Like December 16, 2020