T rex ophora
on October 15, 2020
I’m fully enjoying fall in vermont. Wish you were here.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 10.07 Mb
21 people like this.
Me too!
Like October 15, 2020
T rex ophora
We are easy to forget. Lots of fields and forest blanketed in snow half the year. But we are here and we are loving it. I invite all to come join us sometime!!
Like October 15, 2020
Wishful to see Vermont's landscapes someday, so peaceful there. Thanks for share!
Like October 26, 2020 Edited
Joey Green
Vermont is simply stupendous and amazing this time of year! Viewing those "mountains of fire" (as a young lady once so brilliantly labeled it while tripping up there many years ago) is a true blessing and IMO, pure evidence of the higher intelligence within both nature and the reality of consciousn... View More
Like October 26, 2020