on October 3, 2020
Throwing it at me hard...
Dimension: 655 x 240
File Size: 51.26 Kb
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My car will be gone if i plead guilty or get charges... Already got loan open that she'll get hit with too... What the fuck universe...
Like October 3, 2020
Bro I'm so sorry man ik how I'd feel if this happened but they can't search up without cause
Like October 3, 2020
Just like they shouldn't be able to pull you over for no reason
Like October 4, 2020
-technically they had reason, they were given a tip, thats how that works legally. if you know you were holding why would you dispute a traffic ticket, knowing the apparent ending result was and is much worse? not to mention if your had that kinda cash on hand. a traffic ticket shouldn't be to to st... View More
Like October 4, 2020