on October 2, 2020
Don’t really know how to start this was just looking for some feedback or information if anyone knows anything about greekmythology,witchcraft, or if you understand anything about my 3rd dmt trip
im from australia unlike the majority of yous so its dificult trying to find people who will understand the psychedelic world or take it seriously
I was sitting in my room but alone for the fjrsu time doing dimi so i packed it a bigger amount then past times and straight after exhaling i instantly felt it and was just travelling around in my head as per usual eyes closed but when i opened them this black figure appeared was just like a plain black cartoon like figure ill attach a photo that perfectly describes it
for a second it just stood there while I was asking what it’s doin and then it just started slamming down this book like object that had writing on it but it was just the same symbol wrote over and over filling the page out and i was just tryin to explain i cant read it but it just kept doing the same motion over and over again until i just started laughing and it just floated off
I never knew what the symbol was until I went to school the next day asking my mate he’s had previous experiences with lots of psychedelics and i Drew the symbol in front of him and he then said it looked exactly like the pineal gland which is weird as because thats the same gland dmt is produced and relased from in your brain.
I did further study on it as I got home and ended up finding the exact symbol being the eye of Horus/wadjet which looks just like the pineal gland but is an egyptian symbol that represents protection, royal power, and good health and the 6 human bodily senses.
I have had weird witchcraft experiences in my past making me believe there could be some down my family line somewhere but would just appreciate if anyone would have any answers as im still confused on how why it would be trying to tell me this and if its something i need to know
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I can relate to a certain level. Through the course of my journey of self healing and discovery, it's been manifested to me there had been a lot of generations spiritual curses, and have had to revisit with many, many hours of breaking through these. Would you consider going back and modifying your ... View More
Like October 2, 2020
@Uzu442 Yes, you're so right! And prompted is very accurate. Open mind is an absolute requirement to learn and apply what we need in our lives.
Like October 2, 2020
I dont dont see how this relates to witchcraft. but one thing should be mentioned- while its possible you have had people in your family that practiced witchcraft, the idea of "hereditary" witch blood, is a myth, and something manufactured at some point by a group of people who were looking to hold ... View More
Like October 2, 2020 Edited
Fimari Evil eye, eye of Horus you find a similar symbol with the same meaning all over the Mediterranean it's used as a protective symbol - the mystical meaning is tampering with ... View More
Like October 2, 2020 Edited