on October 2, 2020
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Isn't Self-Love like ... masturbation ? I mean ... seriously, spiritually and symbolically, from the ego perspective. Is there really such a self to love? EDIT: I mean why would one want to love an imaginary persona only existing in their minds?
Like October 2, 2020 Edited
Isnt the ego actually just one part the mind, ? Someone who would be egoless, i feel, would be pretty empty as a person. The ego isnt even a bad thing inherently, its more about how you treat it. Unwillingness to allow your ego to evolve and fluctuate sticks someone into a personality ... View More
Like October 2, 2020
indeed, and being egoless would mean being death. Indeed it's not a bad thing, and we're (or should) be constantly rebuilding, adapting and keeping it in check. From my perspective Loving or Hating it only reinforces it on its own terms and opens the doors to attachment, and th... View More
Like October 2, 2020 Edited
"Loving or Hating it [ego] only reinforces it on its own terms and opens the doors to attachment, and thus identification, to it" Beautifully said, dude!
Like October 2, 2020