on May 31, 2019
Dimension: 550 x 1136
File Size: 219.49 Kb
11 people like this.
I\'ve lucid dreamed before. I\'d like to get back into ir again. But I smoke so much weed, I hardly remember my dream activity anymore, lol. If I don\'t smoke like 6 or 8 hours before bed, I\'ll still have some crazy dreams, but if I don\'t smoke for like two or three days, they start getting super ... View More
Like May 31, 2019 Edited
T rex ophora
Man, I'm three days into a Kratom break and I can't sleep worth shit. I'm not my normal self and am very on edge internally and muted externally. I just want to sleep. I love Kratom but I let it get away from me these past few months, needed to reset, but this sucks. I'm in need of good sleep energy... View More
Like May 31, 2019
Hell I can't sleep for crap myself. 1f614.png
Like May 31, 2019