on May 31, 2019
What's your spirit animal? I'm a cat/cougar. :)
Dimension: 564 x 781
File Size: 157.61 Kb
16 people like this.
Im a deer or elk? I dreamed once i was a deer
Like June 1, 2019
One who Contemplates
Owls and Octopi
Like June 2, 2019 Edited
mine is an octopus. i see an octopus entity in my room every time i trip and a couple of days ago i was lying in my bed, then i had the urge to open my eyes. so i did and saw him smiling at me (this time he looked like in a cartoon, normally i see him as a energy blob with lots of tentacles). my bf ... View More
Like June 2, 2019
VERY cool Meskalynn. Can you tell us more? 1f642.png maybe a trip report or 2?
Like June 2, 2019