on September 18, 2020
Any good dmt stories?
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Time travel is exhausting.
Like September 19, 2020
Smile and close your eyes
Like September 19, 2020
Not a bad trip, but when i was a kid, like 6 or 7 maybe, i had this reoccuring dream of going onto this like alien ship but it was sort of like a shopping center. And when i smoked dmt the first time i fucking was there for real. Kinda messed with my head for a while.
Like September 19, 2020
Joey Green
Our subconscious is an extremely powerful and ultimately influential force that we rarely care to recoginize or acknowledge.... Even doing so makes us highly uncomfortable ... so once again, cognitive dissonance becomes the great shield of protection. Sometimes, psychedelics can remove that shield ... View More
Like September 20, 2020