on September 14, 2020
Story time: I was have having a nice little shroomy trip with neighbor. My pipe that I've had for 5+ years fell and broke in half. A bit later I wanted smoke some weed and decided to roll some joints for me and said neighbor. I was rolling his 1st and a seed fell out of my grinder. I've been buying from the same dispensary for years and never found seed in it. The pipe was a clean break and I was able to put it back together with RTV/Micro-pore tape. End of story time. :P
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2 people like this.
I like that you added the info about the seed.
Like September 14, 2020
I like that your stories are very much like your user name. They happen fast and are kinda fucked up, but as long as nobody is injured they seem to work out in the end!
Like September 15, 2020