About two weeks in grain jars looked good enough to start for a couple of them. Sad most stopped growth half way but i still plan to hse them. One tote so far out of two set up with updates to come when its colonised. Then two small jars just as a side project to watch them grow. Maybe get a couple to fruit so i can have a small batch to celebrate. Just ready for these golden teachers to start teaching. Stay tuned and stay chubby
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Shake shake shake sinora shake it all night long
September 1, 2020

No but have you shook them and broke the myc up?
September 1, 2020

I did after the first 6 days but havnt since. It looks too dense and healthy i dont want to fuck it up now, just gonns use it and toss out the left over grain. Not gonna use all the jars anyway
September 2, 2020

Probably for the best, but i see your concern whatever works best for you my friend.
September 2, 2020