on August 9, 2020
My Poorman SAB. It does work, because the room got no windows at all, and when you turn the fan off, you'll be sweatin' ballz.
And the huge totes is for my clothes. Couldn't afford to buy a closet after the fire incident last 2019. Lol
Dimension: 4160 x 3120
File Size: 4.01 Mb
2 people like this.
Does exactly the same as a tote, if it works, dont knock it. I like your ingenuity. Is that thinking outside the box?
Like August 9, 2020 Edited
Thanks! And yeah, I got a sucessful inocculation with my GT. The only strain that always fail is my Brazilian. Maybe because I added coffee grinds in my grains whenever I try to innoculate my Brazilian.
Like August 9, 2020
I have gone back to pure basics in this batch of grain spawn as been getting to much contam, having said that Im also doing an experiment with brown rice grain instead of popcorn
Like August 9, 2020