on August 8, 2020
Saidar (pronounced: sah-ih-DAHR) comes from the epic fantasy series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson called The Wheel of Time. Saidar is the female half of the One Power. Unlike the more violent saidin, saidar is said to be a "river of Power" which must be surrendered to or "embraced" in order to gain control. Saidar is described as gentle, but infinitely powerful; a force which will do what you wish it to, but requires patience and submission to properly channel it. Surrender is necessary to gain it, and women universally speak of it as "embracing" the Power. Weaving for a female channeller is described as "guiding" the Power to perform the desired task. By contrast saidin is often described as a "raging torrent" that must be "seized" and controlled in order to force it to submit. Because of this fundamental difference in channeling the Power, a man can never teach a woman to channel, and vice versa.
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Ah! I knew it was familiar, I don’t think i ever finished the series though it’s been a while since i read them
Like August 9, 2020
I’ve read them enough times to be embarrassed about it. 1f642.png My favorite series. If you ever get bored you should try them again.
Like August 9, 2020
I had forgot about reading this series. 10 or 11 books. I read them over the course of a few years. Very good stuff
Like August 9, 2020