on July 26, 2020
My collection so far... anyone recommend any more good books?
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@Spooner man I looked for it for like 3 hours and couldnt find any copy anywhere online lol @ExMagic you don't necessarily need it but there are few bits of information that gets left out from the other book but it's info you can also find online. It mainly gives you more detailed info on a few spe... View More
Like July 26, 2020
Just found this online, a free pdf download of The Mushroom Cultivator Just found a paperback version on Amaz... View More
Like July 26, 2020 Edited
Joey Green
I highly recommend and endorse Spooner's recommendation of "Radical Mycology" ..... its not your typical mycological resource book and has many great pointers, ideas and methodologies. "Mushroom Cultivator" is or was "The mycology bible" for many, many years ..... I remember ssving for and buying t... View More
Like July 26, 2020
@Boogaloo_Jedi I've gotten these books for more than $35 from Amazon, I've also seen these same books expensive as F on there too but I've been lucky enough to get them at a decent price It's not hard sourcing books but that one book seems like it's not an easy find.
Like July 28, 2020