on July 25, 2020
A glorious piece by Mark Henson
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File Size: 1.15 Mb
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Acid flashbacks
Like July 26, 2020
you familiar with the book ?
Like July 26, 2020
ive read the Tibetan book of the dead, but not the living and dying! I know there is a Tibetan one, and also a Celtic one. I would love to get my hands on a copy of the Tibetan one becsuse the book of the dead was fascinating. Are they the same book?
Like July 26, 2020
I think they're very similar, the whole bardo journey, culminating at he giant orgy of reincarnation, I haven't read that one. that image reminded me of the final cave tunnel Idea were the life force is going through looking at couple before the moment of instant incarnation of conception.
Like July 26, 2020