on July 18, 2020
Holy shit. Got some notifications to get thru this weekend. I'll always love and talk great about this place even if I'm not present like the old days. This place is home. I may wander out, but I'll always come back and talk love about this place. This place helped change my life. I mean that
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55 people like this.
I appreciate the videos you make, you've got a great personality/voice.
Like July 20, 2020
Doctor Tatan
thanks for having the time to pass by and write. its all we have and... 1f600.png
Like July 20, 2020
Christopher Dickens
Thanks for the content dude
Like July 23, 2020
I couldnt feed the cows 1f642.png i wish we would start texting friend 1f642.png
Like August 25, 2020