Matt Gon
on July 17, 2020
Nobody on the dmt groups are answering, so can anyone who sees this comment and tell me if this is ok to use for stripping paint?
Dimension: 4160 x 3120
File Size: 3.86 Mb
2 people like this.
I love stamps. Forever stamps are 40 for 19.95 at my post office! What a bargain!
Like July 18, 2020
Its cool bro. I dont even know what you are apologizing for lol. Enjoy your trip brother!
Like July 18, 2020
Matt Gon
Thank you all for the info i juat posted. Pic of how it turned out
Like July 18, 2020
Hey bud i have used this exact product and can confirm it works good. I checked several sevral sorces and products before going with this one. No problems.
Like July 18, 2020