on July 11, 2020
Male or female? Been watching this closely over the last few weeks and I cant tell
Dimension: 3024 x 3024
File Size: 2.44 Mb
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Also, when do I have to worry about getting rid of it if it does turn out to be male?
Like July 11, 2020
Okay, also another question because I have a female growing as well. Im growing outdoors and not sure how to deal with the 12/12 light cycle because this is my first rodeo. Will the plant be okay and flower on its own without switching it to 12/12?
Like July 11, 2020
They will eventually go into flowering when it's the proper season and depending on where you live and how long the sun stays up.
Like July 13, 2020
So I live in Chicago, where we have all 4 seasons as I'm sure you're aware of. Do you think it will be okay to just let it do its thing?
Like July 13, 2020