on June 30, 2020
Kinda nervous for some reason. But bottoms up. Cheers everyone.
Dimension: 720 x 1520
File Size: 462.47 Kb
18 people like this.
dude that episode made me cry. Such a good episode
Like June 30, 2020
i remember at one point spoiler alert for anyone who hasnt seen it yet lol. When they were walking through the hallway looking into the windows and you saw them both aging i knew where it was heading and i couldnt pay attention to what they were even saying i just kept seeing th... View More
Like June 30, 2020
thats beautiful man. Such an amazing show. I cant wait for season 2. So good to see how this show has touched so many people. We need for shows like thin on the world
Like June 30, 2020
I saw that episode and it’s funny because during a trippy loop I had that same vision, my mother giving birth to me and vice versa. I am praying for a second season of that show. I love Duncan Trussell.
Like July 7, 2020