on June 25, 2020
Hey everyone! I've heard about Dmt World for a while but just decided to join. So far I'm lovin' the vibe here. I have my first batch of mhrb on the way and already have some funky fungi in the works. Can't wait to see what this community is all about.
In Album: Mush Love
Categories: Psilocybin, Mushrooms
Dimension: 4032 x 1908
File Size: 2.21 Mb
14 people like this.
Right on! The groups are what's up! Depending on your area there may even be a local meetup group nearby. 1f600.png
Like June 26, 2020
Welcome thehighprimate! Love your handle btw 1f609.png So glad you joined us! 1f600.png
Like June 26, 2020
Nataweez it's Pennington Classic Wild Bird Feed. It a picture of a big red cardinal on the front. About $12 for a 40# bag at Walmart. I wish we could post picture comments as I'd just post a picture for ya.
Like June 26, 2020
That's okay, thank you so much1f642.png
Like June 26, 2020