on June 21, 2020
Current batch on millet and isolating more from SS. I'm so ready to see how different isolation will be from MS! Albino Cambodia
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File Size: 3.1 Mb
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@Mycotyk547 and Actually, MycoMadness uses a cup of HOT water, not cool. I haven't tried it, so I cannot vouch for the results, but he seems to know what he's doing.
Like June 22, 2020
It works..stack a ketchup cup of hot water on top of each stack of ketchup cup n it prevents the build of condensation
Like June 22, 2020
Thanks for the clarification @Moose
Like June 22, 2020
I found that if i just let my agar cool a bit longer to right before it gets solid i get a LOT less condensation in my cups.
Like June 25, 2020