on June 13, 2020
so i ordered some inoculation bags from northspore because i really dont have the time right now to do the shit myself and they sent me with this on the pretty furious and a little stressed right i over reacting?
Dimension: 1080 x 2280
File Size: 755.94 Kb
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they emailed me back.. apologized..and refunded shipping...but damage already done
Like June 15, 2020
yeah right like 10 bucks for shipping is gonna keep everyone in town from giving you "the look"
Like June 15, 2020
Cody moore
Yeah i would be mad too
Like June 15, 2020
Holy shit, even had "discreet shipping" PRINTED ON THE FUCKING LABEL!! Yeah, it's worth being irritated over imo. Anytime my freedom can be brought into question from anyone's ignorance, i get slightly irritated.. even when it's my own ignorance. Not saying that's your case, just to be clear.
Like June 15, 2020