on June 3, 2020
Little amazonian buddies coming up to say hey! Anyone got any ideas on why I can seem to get em much thicker or taller than this?
Dimension: 1200 x 583
File Size: 135.46 Kb
6 people like this.
Multi-spore, and syringe or print
Like June 3, 2020
Went from multispore syringe to agar to agar to jar. Still workin the agar outside of this, so its a pretty early generation, but this was the first jar/ tub that colonized
Like June 3, 2020
I've recently tried MS LC (multi-spore liquid culture) to agar a few times, and got 100% contam. Spore print to agar was a success, so I dont think it is my still air box problem. Just today I sterilized some popcorn jars to test the MS-LS again on a different medium. Visually the LC looks pretty he... View More
Like June 3, 2020 Edited
whats LS?
Like June 4, 2020