Fever dream
on June 2, 2020
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Those Mennonites showed up with some head-explodingly gorgeous fonts .....just dropped the keyboard and carriaged off the stage. And they never used the keyboard.
Like June 2, 2020
Fever dream
@exmagic judgmental much lol
Like June 2, 2020
@Fever Dream, just cracking a joke really, was probably really commenting on myself, but really tho, what witches do you know that weres clothes like that all my crew just wears normal cloths like anyone else.
Like June 3, 2020
Fever dream
Some witches are “in the broom closet” and wish to remain anonymous while publicly protesting. I’m not sure how calling other people dorks equates to a joke on yourself but I hope you find it right to think better of yourself.
Like June 4, 2020