on May 22, 2020
Some drying :)
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Be careful going forward. Ive looked into using this grass as well since its fairly abundant where i live. The grass can contain an alkaloid called Gramine, which is TOXIC. I believe, but correct me if im wrong, the gramine can carry over into your end product. Please look into it a little more if ... View More
Like May 22, 2020
Dont worry bro, gramine is not problem, i found any information that in this grass is possible HCN it is a big problem. But i don't think that i will smoke it. Because i wait for MHRB, generally this extract from phragmites is for fun 1f642.png
Like May 22, 2020
Fantastic! Its good to see you've done your research, and doing experiments as well. Far too many people jumping in without reading much. Good luck!
Like May 22, 2020
i interested in alchemy, plants and natural medicine it is lovely. i like experiments but always i use brain. Namaste
Like May 22, 2020