on May 22, 2020
Categories: People Places Things
Dimension: 626 x 1942
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all 3 of mine are the one in the photo is a friends kitty that got lockdown with me. so, i guess she's my kitty now right?
Like May 22, 2020
@ BurntBradel I've been waiting for the bf to feel like trip with me, yet sadly i have come to the realization that that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon, zo in the interest of not letting good blotter to go to waste..... you mean to tell me that you don't have any blotter jyst sitting around?? ... View More
Like May 22, 2020
@kelly, that little dude is a youngster. I just keep it in a small zippy in a book & it generally is fine up to 6+months. I was once walking home and looked up and saw my fat pig of a cat standing out side of my window on the ledge on the 4th floor, I was like oh snap, kitty's goin sky diving..
Like June 6, 2020
ExMagic, i hope kitty didn't take the plunge? i have always had a bad habit of keeping some blotter around, it does weaken a bit over time but i have found that the refrigerator us the best storage option for longevity. just be sure to take it before it sweats when removed from the fridge or else yo... View More
Like June 6, 2020