on May 21, 2020
Made some cannabutter for the first time today. 1/2 cup butter: 7.1g dank
I saved the strained bud in the baggie and I rinsed out the jars and strainer into this cup to make some tea. Good idea? Should I add a tea packet? Will I get too dosed to work? Lol help thanks :*
Also.. the brownie mix I got calls for a 1/2 cup of oil...
I have a half cup of budder lol should I cut this in half and have 1/4th cup budder and 1/4th cup veg. Oil? Would that be ok? I want to conserve some budder if I can.
Dimension: 902 x 1792
File Size: 695.76 Kb
2 people like this.
Howd it go!!
Like May 22, 2020
coming from all my brownie making years all budder all better some times i find a little extra budder helps? or can't hurt? or????
Like May 22, 2020
I drank half the tea and idk if it made me high or not bc after that I hit the distillate a good while bc I just found out my gf is pregnant so here we are lol I will be making the brownies tomorrow morning. Going to use half budder and half veg oil so I can experiment with the other half. I inqured... View More
Like May 22, 2020
Oh I drank half the tea only bc the bud pieces were unpleasant (texture wise) haha I like mushie stems in my tea myself.
Like May 22, 2020