on April 29, 2020
Heres another 2 from today, i cant see these with my naked eye by the way, but the same Orb does this for me every single day and night the video i have of it changing into 50/60 differant faces if like unkniwn creatures , smilie acid faces and sometimes with big black sun glasses on! Haha!????This is so anazing for me that i gotta share this somehow , zoom in!
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A camera lense has a curve to it. When light is reflected off a curved piece of glass at certain angles it magnifies and reflects light. Take magnifying glass outside and hold at same angle as you take a pic with a notebook parallel too it. You'll get a bright spot with a metor trail with that sam... View More
Like April 30, 2020
Jay Pickles
Hey man, whatever gives you drive and ambition. Have you not noticed that they really only show with the sun in the picture? Think DeMiTri explained it perfectly.
Like April 30, 2020
Hailey Nicole
I think its a glare off your camera?
Like April 30, 2020
Ha! Ok then look have you seen the others? Ive been videoing a taking photos of this definite Orb for 15 months now i have it in my town centre 2 feet off the ground and many other place , on the videos it disolves into nothing and keeps changing colours , oh and as for that sun issue, Well the visi... View More
Like April 30, 2020