Miss Sunshine
on April 29, 2020
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and first time grower!
I discovered MM some month ago, read and watched a bunch. What got me into it was me googling about quitting smoking..and then I just felt into the rabbit hole and decided that I must try this wonder of nature. So I ordered my spore syringe and this is my first mycelium ever. 4 days post innoc.
I don't remeber the last time I was so happy or excited about something in my life. I feel like a kid again. I wanted to say hi to you all, this community seems to bring out the best in people. Intelligence, empathy, insights.. I already feel a part of it. So thanks everyone for the help, I didnt even need to ask it was there!
Thanks to home mycology channel, this first grow of mine is partly yours aswell and of all growers before me that have set the path for the rest!
Mush love ♥️
Dimension: 4608 x 2592
File Size: 2.49 Mb
20 people like this.
Lucky charms
Welcome to the party fam have you have a chance to checknout the groups yet so much info it will have your head spinning
Like May 9, 2020
Miss Sunshine
Thanks everyone!
Like May 10, 2020
Right there with you. Im on week 2 of my first batch. Very exciting indeed. Hope to see pics of your flush when its ready!
Like May 15, 2020
Jeffrey Loubouski
Looks good so far 1f44d.png welcome and good luck. Patience. Patience. Patience.
Like May 15, 2020