on April 27, 2020
Mimosa Hostilis
It acts as a powerful antibacterial that allows wounds not to become infected (antiseptic).
This plant has an analgesic effect, especially in the area of ​​the skin where the affectation is found.
In soap it cleanses and regenerates the skin.
It is used in the treatment of burns.
Strengthens hair.
In cream, it can be used to treat baby burns caused by diapers.
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And you can dye shirts with it 1f642.png
Like April 27, 2020
The bark of the Mimosa hostilis tree is a natural dye that produces a deep purple color used in the manufacture and coloring of traditional fabrics, the unique deep pure hues of Mimosa hostilis dyes make them interesting for people using traditional methods of weaving and dyeing textiles. Although M... View More
Like April 27, 2020 Edited
Crusty Dabs
Mother Nature is amazing
Like May 31, 2020
nice that it has thorns. once you can get over the fear and pain.. your in for a treat just like raspberries
Like May 31, 2020