on April 22, 2020
Now to anyone else apart from me, this means nothing. But this is my first proper grow, using a kit, and spores purchased from cylocybe here in the uk . And im over the moon, ive finaly got some babies, sooo chuffed : )
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 7.01 Mb
9 people like this.
Kits are cool because they get you into the groove of growing with quick success. Be smart and while they grow prep your agar to start cloning your best/biggest/fastest growing mush 1f642.png youll be happy to nail this as it will keep on giving and giving 1f642.png
Like April 22, 2020
Yeah, i have definately learned from this grow, having patience is the biggest lesson
Like April 22, 2020