on April 7, 2020
Double dipped LSD from a trippy friend of mine
Dimension: 2976 x 3968
File Size: 2.83 Mb
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Jay Pickles
Double dips back in the day were on sugar cubes and yes I've always thought double dipped was fake.
Like April 8, 2020
Jay Pickles
On blotter.
Like April 8, 2020
I believe they might be double dipped i took 3 of them and was using the bathroom i looked at the toilet as i flushed and walked to the sink i seen the toilet over by the bathtub like as i turned my uead to walk to the sink i seen multiple toilets
Like April 19, 2020
From three of them. Three hits of "single dipped" acid would be enough to hallucinate as well.
Like April 19, 2020