on March 29, 2020
Damiana is used to treat headache, enuresis (urinary incontinence), depression, a nervous stomach, and constipation; for the prevention and treatment of sexual problems; boost and maintain mental and physical endurance.
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The best form of its consumption depends on the person, before ingesting it, inform yourself. Damiana drops Damiana liquid extract is usually used directly in other teas or infusions, although it can also be drunk with a simple glass of water. Smoke Many people prefer to smoke the plant. Although it... View More
Like April 27, 2020 Edited
this is so interesting! I appreciate the info, and clarification, my friend! 1f642.png I am looking forward to learning more about this medicine. Thank you!
Like April 27, 2020
I never really believed in any of this; unless it had scientific, peer reviewed credentials. However, Im trying to be more open minded. Can you direct me to an academic reference regarding this?
Like May 6, 2020
There is no scientific study about this plant, if you want more references look for its ancestral uses.
Like May 7, 2020