on March 29, 2020
Lets give this agar thing a try!! FINALLY got my stuff together. Now the question is... if i have 4 jars of BRF cakes going now that i inoculated on 3-8 and 1 is colinizing SUPER slowly can i open that jar and transfer some of the mycelium to mt agar jars? I know that cake would no longer be viable, but would i be able to colonize the agar quicker? Thanks for all info in advance. I know i am just being impatient, but one jar is almost fully colonized and 1 is about half way. The other 2 are just taking FOREVER it seems and they only have a couple of quarter sized spots of myc.
Dimension: 720 x 1520
File Size: 310.07 Kb
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Yes you can. Those two might be a little dryer than the others.
Like March 29, 2020
Awesome! Thanks you 2!!!
Like March 29, 2020
Holy diver not yet i havent. This is my very first grow ever so i figured i would try to start with the easiest way to grow them. I need to get my knowledge up so i can get on yalls level lol.
Like March 30, 2020