on March 15, 2020
Every cloud and all that !
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Unfortunately seems to be heading that direction (not any where near full out anarchy or anything). Went to a certain nationwide grocery store yesterday. Shelves are emptied the day theyre stocked. Public mood staying at a yellow and dipping into orange at moments. One moment felt seconds from red, ... View More
Like March 15, 2020
Agreed Gemini. Situational awareness goes a LONG way!! A lot of people are so glued to their phones they fail to see whats going on around them.
Like March 19, 2020
T rex ophora
Really? I think youre not looking close enough. Whats going on online now that everyone is trapped in their homes? Have you been shopping online? I know everyone around me has.... capitolism is alive and well and theyve pretty much destroyed all small brick and mortar stores with this panic. Ups... View More
Like March 19, 2020
Exactly, gears are still turning. Its a great time to order online. But, you dont need to look far to find scared people. People that dont actually research and stay up-to-date. People that look at empty shelves and immediately think of some zombie movie or whatever it is to validate their fear. Ev... View More
Like March 19, 2020