Dreams on my mind!Our body and mind is highly Sophisticated machine, with imune system, blood system, neuron network, memory, instincts and all other interesting mechanisms. The most interesting thing i realised was, that all these mechanisms, is it protective, survival or any other type, are made by US, by orselves and works for us. So i decided why would dreams would be something else? Couldn’t it be some sort of mechanism that help us with some tasks? So i really started to believe that dreams and dreaming is something similar as breathing, mechanism that helps us survive. It has been 3 days since i do this, and so far it has been working every night. Before i fall asleep i really talk to my self in my head, and i ask myself what and why i would like to see in my dream and explain myself how would that benefit me. Maybe its only me but it worked, it clearly showd what i need to do and why! So could it be true that dreams are made by us to help ourselves?
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